The Bucks County Symphony Orchestra is both a community orchestra and non-profit organization, and depends in large part on the generous support of individuals and businesses in our local community. Your tax-deductible contributions are essential to allowing the BCSO to continue its 65-year tradition of bringing the best of classical music to the Bucks County region. With your help, we can attract internationally acclaimed soloists, purchase music, and pay for rehearsal space and concert halls.
There are many ways to support the Bucks County Symphony Orchestra, including: contributing your time; making a direct donation; arranging for planned giving; sponsoring a concert, a soiree, or a concert season; hosting a soiree at your home; advertising in our concert programs; or even joining the orchestra!
Your individual donations are tax-deductible, and as a donor your name will appear in our concert programs each fall, winter, and spring. As a concert or season sponsor, you will have additional benefits, such as complimentary concert tickets, free program advertising, and a listing on our website. As an advertising partner, your ads will appear in our three subscription concert program books, and you will be listed on our website.
For more information about donations or sponsorships, please email us at For information about program advertising, please click here.
Thank you for supporting the mission of the Bucks County Symphony Orchestra ̴to share the joy of symphonic music through live performance and educational outreach.
The Bucks County Symphony Orchestra is proud to provide a symphonic performance experience for professional and advanced amateurs, including high school students. If you are interested in joining the BCSO or learning more about the process, please send us an inquiry to for more information.