Home Announcements BCSO presents outreach programs in Central Bucks Schools

BCSO presents outreach programs in Central Bucks Schools

Jun 1, 2023 | Announcements

Since the BCSO’s founding in 1953, school outreach programs have been a priority for its musicians and board of directors. The BCSO’s mission statement speaks of “sharing the joy of symphonic music through live performance and educational outreach,” and one of the organization’s three guiding principles is “promoting music education programs in our local schools.”

Each performance season features special outreach presentations as part of the Partnership in Education collaboration between the BCSO and Central Bucks School District, a partnership that has been mutually beneficial for the past 70 years.

In the 2022-2023 season, the BCSO participated in outreach events at CB East and CB West for all third graders in each school “cluster.” Assistant Conductor Sebastian Grand lead small ensembles of BCSO musicians playing a variety of string and wind instruments–engaging the students by teaching them rhythms, how to keep time, and how to conduct– while the players performed music tailored especially for young listeners. Imagine 300 third graders all conducting in 3/4 time; the students loved the interaction with the conductor and musicians!

The BCSO also arranged for special outreach programs at Central Bucks High School East in October and February. Harpist Claire Thai and violinist Julian Rhee–guest artists for BCSO concerts–met with students during their Lunch & Learn period, performing short works, demonstrating the capabilities of their instruments, and answering students’ questions about the world of musical performance. What a special treat for aspiring young musicians!

The BCSO continues to search for new and exciting ways to connect with our musicians of the future and to inspire them in their musical journeys.

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